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Versioning policy and Releases

We recognize stability and usability is the most important thing for every project, especially, for libraries. We would also like to keep evolving this library. We intend to keep the library as stable, as possible and when there will be breaking changes, we will release new major versions.

Here is an overview of the practices we will be following to ensure predictable changes, high-quality code and stable release.

Versioning policy

S3FS NIO is following the semantic versioning guide to ensure we introduce predictable changes.

  • Release version numbers consist of three parts: major.minor.patch.
    For example, version 1.2.3 indicates major version 1, minor version 2, and patch level 3.

  • Release version numbers are incremented, based on the level of change included in the release:

    Major releases contain significant new features or changes

    When updating to a new major release, you might need to refactor code, run additional tests, and/or learn new APIs. Major releases will be backwards-incompatible, unless otherwise stated in the release notes.

    Minor releases contain new smaller features

    Minor releases will be fully backward-compatible. Developer intervention might be required during updates, but you can optionally modify your apps and libraries to begin using new features, bug fixes and other improvements that were added to the release.

    Patch releases are low risk, bug fix releases

    Upgrading requires no developer assistance other than updating the dependency.

Deprecation policy


Preview releases

We will be doing pre-releases for each upcoming major version.

Release Candidate

Release Candidate (rc) versions are considered to be feature complete and in the final testing phase. All rc versions will end with -rc-[N] where [N] will equal a positive integer. We encourage the community to test and provide feedback regarding possible issues.

Examples: 1.2.3-rc-1, 1.2.3-rc-2

RC versions should be considered unstable

Although the rc versions should be near ready for production - keep in mind it's in the final testing phase. Some functionality might be broken without us being aware of just yet. Use with caution.


During active development we might deploy a SNAPSHOT version for either major, minor or patch versions. These versions are Work In Progress and under active development (and/or testing). For more information check What is a SNAPSHOT version.

Examples: 1.2.3-SNAPSHOT, 2.3.4-SNAPSHOT

It is fine to use SNAPSHOT versions for TESTING purposes.


These versions are usually in active development and WILL break something!

Release frequency

We would love to fix and release as fast and as often as possible, but we also have a daytime job. We will do our best to cut releases as frequently as possible, but will act within reason and depending on our free time.

  • snapshot builds - automatically - on every push to the master between releases. (DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION!)
  • major releases will most-likely be tied with new releases of Amazon's SDK for Java, or when there are other significant changes in our codebase, or dependencies that introduce breaking changes.
  • minor releases will be cut as often as possible, as long as there enough approved changes. These should, hopefully, be monthly (or more frequently, should there be approved fixes); or at least once every three months.
  • patch releases will be on-demand and be cut, when there are critical issues/CVEs/bugfixes.