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Developer Guide


Before you start writing code, please read:

  1. Coding Conventions
  2. Code of Conduct

System requirements

  1. Gradle 8.1, or higher
  2. JDK8, JDK11, JDK17 or JDK21

Finding issues to work on

We are using GitHub issue tracker to keep track of issues. The ones which are suitable for contributors to help with are marked with the following labels:

GitHub issues by-label good-first-issue GitHub issues by-label help-wanted-link GitHub issues by-label hacktoberfest-link

Preparing credentials

S3 - Easy

Gives access to all buckets which could be dangerous!

The easiest way to get started would be to:

  1. Go to the Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  2. Go to Users -> Add User:
    • Username: my-s3fs-username (or whatever)
    • Access Type: Programmatic access must be selected!
  3. Set Permissions:
    • Select Attach existing policies directly
    • Search for AmazonS3FullAccess and select it.
  4. Continue with next steps (apply changes if necessary)
  5. At the final step you will receive an Access Key and Secret Access Key - copy those into your or export them as S3FS_** env variable name (if running in a container).

S3 - Advanced

Allows access to a specific bucket and is safer if you have multiple buckets in your account.

  1. Go to the Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  2. Go to Policies:
    • Create a new policy
    • Switch to JSON editor and copy the policy below which will limit the access to only a specific bucket:
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor1",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "s3:ListAllMyBuckets",
            "Resource": "*"
    • Replace YOUR_BUCKET_NAME with your actual bucket name.
    • Give a name and save (i.e. s3fs-full-access-to-YOUR_BUCKET_NAME)
  3. Go to Users -> Add User:
    • Username: my-s3fs-username (or whatever)
    • Access Type: Programmatic access must be selected!
  4. Set Permissions:
    • Select Attach existing policies directly
    • Search for s3fs-full-access-to-YOUR_BUCKET_NAME and select it
    • Continue with next steps (apply changes if necessary)
  5. At the final step you will receive an Access Key and Secret Access Key - copy those into your or export them as S3FS_** env variable name (if running in a container).

Building the code


git clone
cd s3fs-nio

Custom proxy (optional)

If you have Nexus/Artifactory running locally you can setup Gradle to use that repository.
Place the following configuration in your ~/.gradle/



Builds the entire code and runs unit and integration tests. It is assumed you already have the configuration in place under the src/test/resources or src/testIntegration/resources.

./gradlew build

Run only unit tests

./gradlew test

Run only integration tests

./gradlew testIntegration

You can also use ./gradlew build -x testIntegration to skip the integration tests.

Run all tests

./gradlew check

Gradle build properties

The following properties can be set in your ~/.gradle/ file to modify the build execution

Key Default Required Description
s3fs.proxy.url null No Allows you to specify a close proxy to be used to resolve artifact.
s3fs.publish.internal.release null No Allows internal testing.
s3fs.publish.internal.snapshot null No Allows internal testing.
s3fs.publish.sonar.login null Yes if building with CI Required by the sonar plugin to publish reports to SonarQube.
s3fs.publish.sonatype.user null Yes, when publishing Maven Central User
s3fs.publish.sonatype.pass null Yes, when publishing Maven Central Secret