Before starting work on an issue from the issue tracker, please, make sure there are no active pull requests referencing it.
When you start working on an issue from issue tracker, please place a comment that you intend do so.
Timebox your expectations for this work and update the issue/pull request regularly, so that if you say it will take you 2 days and in two weeks there hasn't been apparent progress, if another developer decides they would like to work on this, they can pick it up
Be professional
Review your own work after creating a pull and try to resolve any:
Build failures
Code issues reported by Sonar (unless these are false-positives)
Code indentation issues
Other issues you spot with your code
When you open a new pull request:
Put the words [in progress] in the title, while the pull request is not yet ready for merging and remove these words, when done, so that it's clear when we can review and merge your pull
If this pull relates to an existing issue, please refer to it in your pull by mentioning it (for example, "This pull is for issue #123"), which will automatically link the pull to the issue.